Bill Schubart

Bill Schubart has lived with his family in Vermont since 1947. Educated locally and at Exeter, Kenyon, and the University of Vermont. He is fluent in French language and culture, which he taught before entering communications as an entrepreneur. He co-founded Philo Records and is the author of the highly successful Lamoille Stories (2008), a collection of Vermont tales. His bibliography includes three short story collections and four novels. His latest novel Lila & Theron is distributed by Simon and Schuster recently won a Benjamin Franklin Silver Award at the Independent Book Publishers for popular fiction. He has served on many boards and currently chairs the Vermont College of Fine Arts, known for its writing programs. He speaks extensively on the media and the arts, and writes about Vermont in fiction, humor, and opinion pieces. He is also a regular public radio commentator and blogger. He is the great, great nephew of the renowned photographer Alfred Stieglitz and lives in Vermont, with his wife Katherine, also a writer.

Bill Schubart's Posts

Vermont’s Future… We’re able. Are we ready and willing?

We face a difficult choice in Vermont. Do we struggle to recapture the past and preserve the self-interests designed into it or do we exercise the courage and leadership to… Read More

Ethics and Wealth

On Tuesday, the 21st. The Guardian newspaper reported that Jeff Bezos’s wealth increased on the prior day by some $13B. … twice Vermont’s budget. His net worth now is some $189B. Bezos… Read More

In our name: The Justice Department has killed three men in one week.

Under the aegis of U.S. Attorney General William Barr and President Donald Trump, three men have been killed and Barr has celebrated the killings in our name even though 60%… Read More

The 2020 Vermont Media Landscape

In the Morrisville of the 1950s where I grew up, we had limited but vibrant media access. Clyde Limoge’s News and Citizen came into our home weekly, purveying all the… Read More

Healthcare and the Role of Vermont Hospitals

As a grateful user of Vermont’s healthcare system (UVM hip replacement last year), an observer of its growth (the house I grew up in in Morrisville was next to a… Read More

Stepping Outside this Insular Nation

We are outside security. Through thick glass, we watch our son hoist his backpack into the X-ray machine and wait to be summoned by the TSA agent through the metal… Read More

Vermont’s Mixed History on Race

  Like many Vermonters, I’ve been watching with pain and empathy the protests unfolding in countless cities and towns across the country. Watching the murder of George Floyd has called… Read More

A Reflection for The United Church of Hinesburg: Rev. Baybie Hoover & Virginia Brown

(Insert audio clip invocation :28 sec.) Invocation BV 052220 In 1976, I met a blind Manhattan street singer named Reverend Baybie Hoover and her Deaconess of Music, Virginia Brown. Baybie’s… Read More

Lest We Forget: The Economic Engine is Powered by People

It’s a bizarre dichotomy in current national politics that pits the health of Americans against the health of the economy, as if the two were wholly separate entities. Many local… Read More

Whither Vermont? What Have We Learned?

The pandemic has merely accelerated certain underlying entropic elements in Vermont’s socio-economic infrastructure and culture. Now, a consensus of Vermonters must choose between trying to restore our past with its… Read More

Out of the Pandemic: a Secure Regional Food Supply System

Opportunities lurk in every downturn. To recover and move forward, we must do more than scramble back to the past, we must ferret out and explore better and more secure… Read More

The Correctional Facility

The Correctional Facility is an illustrated novella updating Dante Alighieri’s 700-year-old classic The Inferno. Our guide however is not Virgil but Walt Whitman and Dante’s flaming pits are succeeded by modern… Read More