About The Correctional Facility
The Correctional Facility is a novella illustrated by Jeff Danziger updating Dante Alighieri’s 700-year-old classic The Inferno. Our guide however is not Virgil but Walt Whitman and Dante’s flaming pits are succeeded by modern brutalist prison architecture. Many of the sins of Dante’s time persist today, but mankind has scaled old ones and invented new ones. Invention, technology, economics, and politics have, since Dante’s time, nuanced and scaled our concept of evil.

Where to buy
Paperback: ISBN 978-1-7355050-1-5 Magic Hill Press 2021
Ebook: ISBN 978-1-7355050-2-2
Audiobook: ISBN 978-1-7355050-3-9
Available at local book shops throughout Vermont. Please support your local bookstore. They are fundamental to our Vermont communities.
Katherine Stamper, Host of Present Time on 99.3 WBTV-LP interviews Bill Schubart about The Correctional Facility