Citizens United
Does the First Amendment Allow Racist and Personal Threats of Violence?
It’s time for a statute prohibiting hate-speech, online bullying, and threats of physical violence. Five years ago, then Representative Kiah Morris (D-Bennington) resigned from the Vermont Legislature, where she had… Read More
Citizens Benighted?
Why are we surprised that our nation doesn’t function? Or that we’re so divided politically — unable to talk to one another? Or that our children don’t vote or volunteer… Read More
At Home with Corruption
For generations, the organizing principles of tribal and melting pot societies have been religion, commerce, and government. Each has occasioned both great human advancement and incalculable human suffering. They are,… Read More
The Attraction & Failure of Absolutism
Social conservatives like to use the phrase “moral relativism” to describe their liberal counterparts, perhaps because absolutes are simple and easy to remember, if not to live by. Our judicial… Read More