1.       UVMMC has generated  negative Medicare margins for at least the past 10 years.

  • These negative margins have averaged $43M and totaled $119M in 2022.  60% of academic peer hospitals broke even or generated margins on Medicare
  • During this period, UVMMC lost an average of $65M on Medicaid and $100M in 2022
  • These 2022 negative margins of $219M were balanced through $357M in commercial payments.

2. A comparative expense analysis of UVMMC against 38 similarly-sized hospitals from FY 2022 data supplied by the National Academy of State Health Policy.

UVMMC, when compared to peer groups, is grossly over expensed. Based on Total Operating Expense of $1.848B this is between $370M to $550M.


BEDS                                                                                     481                         526                         91%

PATIENT ACUITY                                                            2.0467                   2.1405                   96%

DISCHARGES                                                                     19,703                   25,093                   79%

DAYS ADJUSTED FOR OUTPATIENTS                     50,159                   54,561                   92%

TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE                                   $1,848,355,820   $1,354,237,439   136%

OPERATING COST PER BED                                       $3,842,736           $2,547,596           149%

OPERATING COST PER DISCHARGE                       $93,811                 $53,696                 174%

OPERATING COST PER ADJUSTED                           $36,850                 $24,821                 148%

MEDICAID OPERATING MARGIN                             ($100,996,922)    ($9,382,253)         1076%

MEDICARE OPERATING MARGIN                            ($88,610,985)      $5,761,921           -1538%

MEDICARE ADVANTAGE MARGIN                         ($30,806,255)      $26,166,904         -118%

COMMERCIAL INSURANCE MARGIN                      $ 357,450,722      $ 221,560,457     161%

COMMERCIAL PROFIT PER ADJUSTED                  $7,126                   $4,061                   175%

TOTAL PATIENT CARE LABOR COST                     $ 435,919,416       $ 363,731,786     120%

PAT. CARE LABOR COST PER ADJUSTED             $8,691                   $6,667                   130%

PAT. CARE LABOR HOURS                                          7,099,177              6,406,585              111%

PAT. CARE LABOR HRS PER ADJUSTED                142                         117                         124%

TOTAL OPERATING LABOR COST                           $746,454,228       $550,532,503       136%

TOT. OPERATING COST PER ADJUSTED                $105                       $86                         121%

MANAGE & ADMIN LABOR COST                            $186,184,274       $95,032,151         196%

MANAGE & ADMIN  COST PER ADJUSTED           $3,712                   $1,742                   213%

DIR PAT CARE vs MANAGE & ADMIN                    43%                        26%                        163%

MEDICARE CASE MIX ADJUSTED CASE COST   $14,464                 $11,036                 131%


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