Spirit Traffic
Spirit Traffic is at once a colorful travelogue of a bucket-list bikers' route across America and an unflinching memoir of a middle-aged mom conquering her fears (on and off her motorcycle), unpacking a complicated childhood with an addict father and stoic mother, and ultimately, learning to let go of her only child.
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The Correctional Facility
The Correctional Facility is a novella illustrated by Jeff Danziger updating Dante Alighieri’s 700-year-old classic The Inferno. Our guide however is not Virgil but Walt Whitman and Dante’s flaming pits are succeeded by modern brutalist prison architecture. Many of the sins of Dante’s time persist today, but mankind has scaled old ones and invented new ones. Invention, technology, economics, and politics have, since Dante’s time, nuanced and scaled our concept of evil.
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The Priest
The Priest follows a working class altar boy's decision to become a priest, exploring the struggle many boys have becoming men, especially around sexuality. Pierre finds safety within the vocational confines and celibacy of his Catholic faith, only then to be astonished as he experiences life vicariously in the shadow of the confessional. Ultimately, he must confront his own emerging sexuality in the real world and reconcile the inevitable collision between the security of doctrine and the risks of being human - all of which takes him to a surprising place.
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Lila & Theron
Lila and Theron is set in rural America and relates a personal story of love and sacrifice. Lila and Theron do not imagine themselves poor, nor do they covet what they don’t have. They are whole in themselves and on their land – in marked contrast to today’s victim culture of safe spaces and narcissism.
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The Lamoille Stories II
A wholly new collection of Lamoille Stories from Vermont author, Bill Schubart. Many of the original characters in the 2008 edition like Jeeter, Pete, Theron and Lila are back in this new set of stories.
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Photographic Memory
Photographic Memory is about the impact of photographs on memory. Are the photographs themselves the memory or do they merely record and prompt it? The story follows a boy’s struggles as he grows up in two very different cultures – one, the urbane world of his paternal grandmother, peopled with artists, publishers, and financiers, and the other, a small, tightly-knit, Vermont community of farmers, loggers and tradesmen where he lives with his mother and new French-Canadian stepfather.
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I am Baybie
This is a work of fiction based on the lives of The Reverend Baybie Hoover and her Deaconess of Music and dear friend, Virginia Brown. In 1976, Philo Records recorded an album of Baybie and Virginia (Philo 1019) and several of us became immersed in the narrative of their extraordinarily courageous lives.
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A brother and sister coming-of-age story on a hill farm in Northern VT that places the ultimate demand on sibling love. Both leave and return home, deeply changed by their journeys.
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Fat People
Fat People is an entirely unique fictional look at the emotions and experiences of those who live to eat: the estrangement, loneliness, embarrassment, fear, defeated sexuality, unresolved anger, but also the simple pleasure of food.
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The Lamoille Stories
Schubart brings to life the friends and characters of his native Lamoille County, where in the late 1950s and early 1960s, life was lived close to the earth and often against the grain. Schubart’s collection of twenty-two stories captures Vermont in its transition from an enclave of hill farms and small towns where everyone knew your grandfather to a place where vehicles bearing license plates from “away” mix with hippie vans filled with born-again Vermonters getting back to the land…until snowfall.
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