About Spirit Traffic
Three days after her son's college graduation, she sets off with him and her yoga-teacher husband (his stepdad) on a 10,000-mile two-wheel adventure that took them all into uncharted territory-both as novice riders, and as a family. As if in the saddle of her dual-sport BMW, the reader will experience the good, the bad, and the heartbreak of her journey as a soon-to-be-empty-nester grappling with impermanence, sexuality, hot flashes, high winds, and tailgating tour buses.
Where to buy
Paperback -978-1-7355050-4-6 (4/19/22) (Magic Hill Press LLC)
Ebook E-Mobi 978-1-7355050-7-7 Kindle
Ebook E-Pub 978-1-73555050-5-3 Smashwords
Audiobook 978 -1- 73555050-6-0 Authors Republic
April 19: Available at local book shops throughout Vermont. Please support your local bookstore. They are fundamental to our Vermont communities.