The Girl in the Yellow Pant Suit by Becca Balint a review (April 7, 2022)
I’ve just finished reading an advance copy of Becca Balint’s forthcoming collection of essays, The Girl in the Yellow Pant Suit. I had no idea what to expect from this gifted Vermont politician. The quality of most essay anthologies wobbles back and forth like a drunken emu, but Balint’s collection engaged me immediately and I read the entire collection in two sittings – just finishing one essay and eager to start another while still contemplating the first.
Balint is a completely engaging writer, imbuing her topics with human connection and crystalline intellect. One essay, “Building Character,” starts on a camping trip with her children in bear-inhabited Vermont woods and goes on to explore Dr. Martin Seligman’s landmark work on how to imbue character and resilience in our children, a topic deeply relevant today.
All told, this collection is a must-read. Go to your local bookstore and buy a copy. Savor it as you would your favorite poetry or prayers for humanity.
- Bill Schubart, author of Lila &Theron